Microarray Expression

Analysis done on Mus musculus sample
Figure 1 shows the results of analysis of skin from transcription factor p63 homozygous null mutants at embryonic age E18.5. Without p63, the epidermis fails to commit to stratification, resulting in aborted skin development. Results identify p63 target genes and provide insight into early events in epidermal morphogenesis. The tests were done on a mouse sample.

Analysis done on Homo sapiens sample
Figure 2 shows the expression profiling of dermal fibroblasts from patients with macular degeneration. Fibroblasts were subjected to sublethal oxidative stress. This study tests the hypothesis that patients with macular degeneration have an abnormal response to cellular injury in sites other than the eye. The tests were done on human samples.
Figure 1
Figure 2

RNAi Phenotypes and Drug Interactions

No records have been found for RNAi experiments, nor were their any drug interactions listed for the gene or protein. This is likely due to the very recent discovery of the gene and its relation to the associated human conditions. It would not be surprising if new drugs would be found to target this gene or its protein within the next ten years, as research grows pointing towards its relationship with eczema and other allergy-related inflammatory diseases.

Chemical Genetics
Please see the Future Directions page.

Dalia Saleh
saleh [ @ ] wisc.edu
last updated 2/9/10